Scrum is not Agile
Fear me not, what i mean is best written this way: « Scrum != Agile ». Yes, Scrum is one of the most used frameworks used over the agile mindset. But it’s definitely not THE ONLY way! I really enjoy the Agile way I’m proud to defend it. I try to apply the principles of Agile in…
The Open Space
Nowadays, everybody knows what an Open Space is and if you are working in tech you probably already worked (and still) in such office. I have several experiences in workplaces having used different types of office myself. I never had my word to say about the workplace but I’m constantly arguing about the workplace/environment. Here…
CONDA – managing python env
Nowadays, when starting development, there is a lot of discussion around tooling, environments and managing all of it. Previously I was working with a standard python installer or a full anaconda installation. Things mainly worked but I was not comfortable using all of it. One of my colleagues, told me to give a try on…
The four types of work
Since I started my professional career, I’ve always tried to better organize my work. In my early days, I was just doing things as they came and never planned my work or at least time frame for it. I have to say that it worked! I had some hard weeks, some very long days but…
Python January
TLDR; the repos of the work can be seen on github. There are lots of vibes when the new year comes and for me it’s trying to focus on something for a little bit, stick with it and get a conviction if it worth continuing to experiments or if it was a nice toy for…